Wednesday, October 20, 2010

5 Reasons You Should Sell Your House TODAY!

From : The KCM Group, October 19, 2010
If you are looking to sell your home in the next 90 days here are some compelling reasons as to why now is the time to SELL!

1. At this time of year, the buyers are more serious. The buyers that are out there right now are serious and ready to buy.

2. If you are moving up, you can save thousands. Home prices have fallen significantly in recent years. This could translate into a bigger house, a different neighborhood or a better school district.

3. Interest rates are at an all-time low. The experts are pointing to the interest rates beginning to rise in 2011, now is the time to take advantage of these historic rates.

4. You will beat the rush of inventory that is coming next year. Every year there is an increase of inventory which comes to the market from January through April, the Spring market. You won't have to worry about this increase in competition if you sell now.

5. You have less "discounted" inventory with which to compete. While moratorium of forecloses lasts, every homeowner will have a better chance of selling their property.

If you are looking to sell in the near future, there may not be a more opportune time than this Fall. Serious buyers, great move-up deals and less competition from foreclosures creates the perfect selling situation. Don't miss it!!

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